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BACR Conference: Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy
University of Kent 8th-10th July 2024
Day 1: Monday 8th July
12:00 Registration and Lunch
13:00 Welcome (conference organisers)
Session 1: (Chair: Mark Wass)
13:15 Gad Getz (Broad Institute / MIT, USA)
13:45 Colm Ryan (University College Dublin, Ireland)
The contribution of paralog buffering to tumour robustness
14:15 Selected talk 1
14:30 Selected talk 2
14:45 Selected talk 3
15:00 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 Martin Michaelis (University of Kent,UK)
16:15 Selected talk 4
16:30 Hilde Loge Nilsen (Oslo University Hospital, Norway)
17:00 James Brenton (CRUK Cambridge Institute)
17:30 Drinks reception & Poster session
19:30 Dinner
Day 2: Tuesday 9th July
Session 2: (Chair: Michelle Garrett)
09:30 Johann de Bono (Institute of Cancer Research, UK)
10:00 Selected talk 5
10:15 Selected talk 6
10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 Ilse Rooman (VU Brussels)
Deciphering the Mosaic: Spatial Heterogeneity within Pancreatic Cancer
11:45 Selected talk 7
12:00 Selected talk 8
12:15 Benjamin Taylor (AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK)
12:45 - 14:30 Lunch & Poster session
Session 3: (Chair: Martin Michaelis)
14:30 Angeliki Malliri (CRUK Manchester Institute)
RAS and RAC GTPase signalling in lung cancer
15:00 Selected talk 9
15:15 Selected talk 10
15:15-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15 Roland Rad (Technical Institute of Munich)
16:45 Xin Lu (Ludwig Institute, Oxford)
17:15 – 18:30 Drinks reception & Poster session
19:00 Conference Dinner
Day 3: Wednesday 10th July
Session 4: (Chair: Tim Fenton)
09:30 Mariam Jamal Hanjani (UCL)
10:00 Rachel Grimley (Cancer Research Horizons. UK)
Mechanistic Insight in Cancer Drug Discovery: Timining is Everything
10:30 Selected talk 11
10:45 Selected talk 12
11:00 - 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 Selected talk 13
12:00 Selected talk 14
12:15:00 Selected talk 15
12:30 Julian Downward (Francis Crick Institute, UK)
13:00 Closing remarks and prizes
13:15: Packed lunch to take away, departure.
If you have any special dietary requirements - please let us know.
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Registered address:
c/o Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, Cancer Genetics Building,
St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF
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