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To recognise the achievement of our brilliant Early Career Cancer Researchers, BACR has introduced this brand-new award, which will be handed out for the first time in 2025. The award will go to a BACR member who at an early stage has demonstrated a significant contribution to cancer research and who is has ambition to develop their career in this area.
The winner will receive a cash prize of £750 and the opportunity to present their research at a BACR event such as the Trailblazers in Cancer Research meeting, with 2 runners up receiving £250 each.
Eligible applicant must have no more than 5 years of active research post PhD at the time of application and demonstrate significant achievements in cancer research. Note that this period excludes parental leave, leave of absence due to illness or caring responsibilities, part time working or other relevant career breaks. If in any doubt concerning eligibility, please contact Janet Alexander at the BACR Secretariat for assistance. Applicants must be a BACR member (membership application may accompany the Award application).
Eligible applicants must submit a single PDF document consisting of the following sections:
1) The completed Early Career Award application form.
2) A brief summary describing your accomplishments in cancer research and your future career plans (max 600 words).
3) A publication list including your published original research (articles accepted for publication/in press are permitted). The publication list should include the full reference, be numbered and listed in chronological order (the newest output first). Ensure your contribution to each publication is highlighted by adding a brief (max 100 word) description of your role in relation to each output.
4) A list of any other relevant published material (review articles, commentaries, online resources, articles in the popular press/magazines). Include full references where appropriate.
4) A pdf version of maximum three most notable publications.
5) A letter of support from Supervisor/Line Manager.
Application Deadline: March 31st 2025
BACR is a registered charity in England and Wales (289297)
Registered address:
c/o Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, Cancer Genetics Building,
St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF
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