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If you wish to submit an abstract for poster presentation, from which some will be selected for presentation in the selected talks within the main programme then please follow the instructions below.
Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the Conference. All authors must register for a delegate pass and pay the appropriate registration fee. The number of places at the conference may potentially be filled before registration closes, so authors are advised to register early.
Method of submission:
As an email attachment in Arial Format (preferably an MS Word document) to with BACR 60th Anniversary Meeting Abstract in the email subject area.
The abstract should be typed single spaced using point size 11 in Arial Format.
Include a title indicating which session your abstract should align to.
The authors and addresses should start on the line following the title, with the name of the presenting author underlined.
The text should be separated from the authors and addresses by a blank line.
300 words is the maximum acceptable for the text.
Do not include diagrams.
Submission of abstracts:
Please send an email attachment to:
Name the attachment in the following manner:
BACR followed by presenting authors surname_first name.
Eg. BACR abstract_alexander_janet.
The closing date for abstract submission is 15th April 2022
Any questions or problems please contact the conference co-ordinator Janet Alexander at Tel: 0113 2065611.
If you have any special dietary requirements - please let us know.
Your email address will be retained in our electronic registration database and used for correspondence from the BACR.
List of Participants
If you attend, we will include your name and country in the printed programme book unless you request to be removed.
Please click below if you agree for your email address to be included in the printed List of Participants that is given to all attendees and exhibitors.
Don't Include
Please note: you have selected for your email address NOT to appear in the List of Participants.
You can click above to change this.
BACR is a registered charity in England and Wales (289297)
Registered address:
c/o Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, Cancer Genetics Building,
St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF
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